Now available! 3/13: New poem in Mad Swirl.
9/1: Official launch of Little Lark Press!
3/15: Listing in Poets & Writers.
3/10: New poem in the Earth & Sky issue of All Things Girl.
2/25: Featured Poet for 2008 in A Little Poetry.
2/1: New issue of Contemporary American Voices.
1/31: Mid-issue update with 1 new poem in All Things Girl.
1/10: Three new poems in Winamop.
1/1: Three new poems in the Love & Lust Issue of All Things Girl.
2007 12/7: Visibility, this weeks Featured poem at Soul to Soul.
12/2: Two new poems in Canada's Feathertale Review.
12/1: New issue of Contemporary American Voices.
11/5: New poem in the Evolving issue of Origami Condom.
11/1: New issue of Contemporary American Voices.
10/22: Two poems in All Things Girl.
9/17: Featured Writer (8 poems) at Dogmatika.
9/16: New poem at Feathertale.
9/14: Intrusions- this weeks featured poem
at Soul to Soul.
8/15: New prose at A Little Poetry.
8/14: My first poetry collection, the sometimes girl, has been officially translated to German.
8/9: Sean McGahey interviews me for the Beat.
8/3: New poem in Alba.
8/1: Five poems in Concelebratory Shoehorn Review.
8/1: August issue of Contemporary American Voices.
7/6: New poem in Words Dance.
7/1: July issue of Contemporary American Voices.
6/24: New poem in the fabulous Iddie.
6/22: New poem in Bolts of Silk.
6/14: Six poems in The Arabesques Review
6/1: Four poems in Right Hand Pointing.
6/1: New Issue of Contemporary American Voices.
5/18: New poem in the summer issue of Hudson View.
5/11: Memphis, this week's featured poem at Soul to Soul.
5/8: New poem in Ugly Accent.
5/5: Three new poems in 63 Channels.
5/3: New poem in Wazee.
5/1: Five poems in Poetry Life and Times.
5/1: New issue of Contemporary American Voices.
4/29: Six new poems in Kritya.
4/28: New poem in Bolts of Silk.
TRIM: an anthology
of the collected works from Mannequin Envy Quarterly 2003-2006, edited by Jennifer VanBuren, includes work of mine.
The Celebration's Statement of Purpose: The Celebration of Women Writers recognizes the contributions of women writers
throughout history. Women have written almost every imaginable type of work: novels, poems, letters, biographies, travel books,
religious commentaries, histories, economic and scientific works. Our goal is to promote awareness of the breadth and variety
of women's writing.
The Celebration provides a comprehensive listing of links to biographical and bibliographical information about women writers, and complete published books written by women. _____________________________________________________________ 1/31: WinK: Limited Edition Chapbook! 33 Pages.
Sold Out.
_____________________________________________________________ 1/22: Official launch of my new online poetry journal Contemporary American Voices. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2006 -- An anthology of all the published poetry in the inaugural year (2006) of Words-Myth, an online quarterly journal of poetry
and poetics. Edited by Graham Burchell. Includes two poems of mine.
_____________________________________________________________ 12/26: Now Available
-- an anthologized collection of erotic poetry available at Satjah Projects. Edited by Donna M. Hill. Includes two poems
of mine.
_____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9/16: Now Available! Click cover to order
Download: 1 documents (PDF), 352 KB
______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8/31: Two new poems in separate links at Lunatic Chameleon:
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ One of my absolute favorite 'zines for many years. I will be acting as guest editor for the Spring/Summer 2006 Issue. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Now Available Click cover to order
Printed: 215 pages, 6.0" x 9.0", perfect binding, black and white interior ink
______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ February 2006: Washing The Color Of Water Golden February 2006: Washing the Color of Water Golden: A Katrina Hurricane Anthology edited by C. E. Laine. ISBN: 1-933242-24-8.
_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ January 2006 |